You heard the word myopia—now what? Here’s your back-to-school backpack of myopia resources

Myopia back to school backpack

You recently heard about myopia and that it’s increasing in children around the world at an alarming rate—especially following the pandemic, which left most kids learning virtually from home.1 Now what? Below, you’ll find a list of selected resources—you can think of it as your back-to-school backpack—that will help you get up to speed with what myopia is, why it’s a growing issue in children, how you can help your child, and the treatment options that you can evaluate with an eye care professional before your child heads back into the classroom this fall.

Video: What parents need to know about myopia in less than three minutes

Myopia statistics, information about short-term and long-term effects, and myopia treatment options are colorfully illustrated so you can learn more about myopia and the latest advancements to help you protect your child’s ocular health.

YouTube video

>> Download full infographic with the video’s information in a one-pager or brochure format

7 Questions to ask during your child’s eye exam

Preparing for your child’s eye exam ahead of time can help you best manage your child’s vision health. Here are seven questions you can print and take along when you visit your child’s eye doctor for their annual eye exam.

7 myopia questions to ask your doctor about myopia

>>  Download now

Understand the Differences: Eye Exams vs. Vision Screenings

Vision screenings, like those your child might get at school, are not the same as an eye exam. While vision screenings can be useful, they provide less than 4% of the information generated during a comprehensive eye exam and miss up to 75% of children with vision problems. This chart will help you identify the differences between eye exams and vision screenings.

eye exams versus vision screenings and what that means for myopia

>> Download the chart

Are you looking for more?

On MyMyopia®, we have a resource center for parents with many downloadable resources and videos like those above that can help you make the best decisions when it comes to your child’s vision.

Visit the MyMyopia® Resource Center for Parents

Tags: myopia, nearsightedness, eye exam, back to school

